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VIDEO: Real Kitchen Table Priorities.

Denise Cardinal, the Executive Director of Alliance for a Better Minnesota, sent out this email just as Governor Pawlenty was proposing another budget which leaves middle-class families to fend for themselves.


Right now, Tim Pawlenty is proposing a budget that proves he is more focused on his political future than on moving Minnesota forward.

Pawlenty is proposing drastic, irresponsible, and unnecessary cuts to our most important basic services–like health care, education, and food stamps for families. He did this all while talking about the need for us to remember the folks “at the kitchen table.”

Watch a short video message I recorded for Governor Pawlenty at my own kitchen table–it’s the first in a series that we’ll be doing throughout the legislative session:

Watch my video message to Tim Pawlenty

Pawlenty’s budget won’t help anyone but Tim Pawlenty in the Iowa Caucuses in 2010.  That’s not something you’re likely to see him admit — which makes it even more crucial that you watch our new video and spread the truth about what he should be thinking about with the kitchen table.

Please watch the video and forward this email to everyone you know.

To get our state back on track, we need a comprehensive budget-balancing solution that puts middle class families first by focusing on the right priorities. That means putting everything on the kitchen table — like making our tax system more fair — and Pawlenty refuses to do that.

Minnesotans deserve to know the truth–Tim Pawlenty’s short-sighted strategy will hurt middle class families, small businesses, and our economy.

Watch our new video and make sure to spread the word to your friends.



Denise Cardinal
Executive Director
Alliance for a Better Minnesota

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