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Count Ann Coulter Out of Equal Pay Day.

anncoulterIt’s National Equal Pay Day, and Ann Coulter is in town giving a lecture. As you can guess, she’s not a fan.

National Equal Pay Day is a day that highlights the gender discrimination in pay. It’s in April because Equal Pay Day is the day marked each year when a woman working full time finally earns as much as a man working full time the previous year.

This year, President Obama took executive action to bring us closer to pay equality: prohibiting federal contractors from retaliating against employees who talk about how much they make and requiring contractors to report data to the government showing the compensation they provide employees by sex and race. Our progressive leaders in Minnesota passed the Women’s Economic Security Act to level the economic playing field for Minnesota women and help Minnesota families thrive.

But you can pretty much count conservative darling Ann Coulter out of any efforts to raise awareness for the fact that women in the U.S. still make only 77 percent of what men make. In fact, if you pay $10 to see her speak at the University of Minnesota tonight, you may even hear her claim the gender pay gap doesn’t exist.

Ann Coulter spoke at the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference, where she essentially said she doesn’t believe women get paid less than men, but even if it were true she’d be OK with it as long as her date bought her dinner:

“And I’ll take 69 cents on the dollar, or whatever the current feminist myth is about how much we make, just to never have to pay for dinner. That seems like a fair deal to me.”

I’ll take equal pay and pay for my own meals, but thanks.

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