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Office of Senator Norm Coleman
2550 University Ave W
Suite 100N
St. Paul, MN 55114
To Senator Norm Coleman:
It has recently been reported that your campaign has received $4,600 from Robert Toussie and his wife in contributions.
Recent news reports of the Toussie family’s involvement in a housing scheme that swindled hundreds of thousands of dollars from hard-working people in New York state has brought the campaign contributions into question.
Other news reports from last week show President Bush took the unprecedented move of rescinding a pardon for Isaac Toussie, Robert’s son, because the crimes were so onerous.
With these revelations, we respectfully ask you to return the campaign contributions made by the Toussie family to your reelection effort.
Thank you,
Denise Cardinal
Alliance for a Better Minnesota
1600 University Ave. W. Suit 309B
Saint Paul, MN 55104