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Gov. Pawlenty: Minnesota, or National Political Ambitions?


This morning ABM joined with the MN AFL-CIO, AFSCME Council 5, Working America, SEIU MN State Council, Americans United for Change and others in unveiling a new billboard asking Governor Pawlenty if he will choose the people of Minnesota, or his own national political ambitions.The billboard is at 94 and Snelling in Saint Paul, go take a look. 

This event apparently came just in time, as yet another national Republican has come out talking about the benefits of keeping Minnesota’s second senator out of action today. From CQ Politics (via TPM):

But in a 99-member Senate, 40 votes are enough to keep Democrats from cutting off debate on major legislation. "Usually you need 41 votes to get anything done around here. But right now, you can do a lot with 40 votes,” said Judd Gregg

"Getting things done", in the context of the party of no, actually means delaying seating Al Franken for as long as possible so there is NO action on important legislation like health care reform, cap and trade, and a host of other pressing issues.

Tim Pawlenty needs to be listening to the great majority of Minnesotans who want Al Franken seated immediately if the court rules in his favor, and not playing Beltway politics with Judd Gregg and national Republican leaders. Go here to sign the petition telling Tim Pawlenty to put Minnesota ahead of his national political ambitions and fulfill his legal duties by signing Al Franken’s election certificate.


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