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Radio Ads Urge End to Republican Shutdown.

polaroid.jpgOver the holiday weekend, ABM released its first radio ad calling on Republicans to end the shutdown by standing up for the middle class, not millionaires. The ad, “Holiday,” shares with listeners just some of the countless ways the GOP shutdown has negatively impacted Minnesotans and our state.

The ad ran in Duluth, Brainerd and Bemidji where large numbers of Minnesotans headed to the lakes for the holiday weekend only to find they couldn’t get a fishing license or visit their favorite state park because Republicans are siding with millionaires. Check out the ad below.

Today we launched our second series of ads, this time asking listeners to call their Republican state legislators and call on them to support a budget that protects the middle class, not millionaires. The ads will run in 11 Republican legislators’ districts urging them to end the GOP shutdown and compromise with Governor Dayton. Below is an example of the “Compromise” radio ads, focusing on Senator Al DeKruif.

The “Compromise” radio ads target Representative Banaian, Representative Woodard, Representative Hancock, Representative Murray, Representative Davids, Representative McElfatrick, Representative Kiel, Senator Pederson, Senator Carlson and Senator Miller, as well as Senator DeKruif.

You can see the Holiday Radio Ad Fact Check and the DeKruif “Compromise” Fact Check here.


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