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John Howe Announces Bid for CD2; Showcases Support of Scandal-Plagued Rep. Tim Kelly.


This week, former Republican State Senator John Howe officially announced his intentions to run for Minnesota’s Second Congressional District seat, which is being vacated by longtime Representative John Kline. If you head over to his shiny new website, you’ll see he’s campaigning on the idea that “Washington DC needs a makeover.” You will also see the photo above of Senator Howe with fellow Red Wing resident and recent center of controversy, Republican Representative Tim Kelly.

It’s not an uncommon approach for Republicans to rally against career politicians, but fairly awkward considering Howe showcases his relationship with Rep. Kelly, who you may recall recently paid a fine for allegedly “making out” with his colleague Tara Mack in a public park. What’s worse, Rep. Kelly and Rep. Mack still haven’t directly apologized to the officer whose reputation they tarnished by saying that he lied about the incident.

As mothers the world over know, you are only as good as the company you keep. If John Howe chooses friends in Washington like he does in Minnesota, he will undoubtedly fall in with congressional Republicans who consistently put themselves, and their party rhetoric, ahead of Americans.

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