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How the progressive budget plan will help Minnesota rebuild from COVID.

Photo: a diverse group of people, arm in arm, with their backs turned to the camera

For over a year, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned Minnesotans’ lives upside down. Thanks to Governor Walz’s leadership, Minnesota is #1 in administering COVID-19 vaccines, but our work isn’t over yet. In fact, it’s just beginning. 

This crisis has brought unprecedented financial challenges for our small businesses and families, and for our state. That’s why a responsible budget is more important than ever. 

While conservatives want to protect wealthy corporate interests over hardworking Minnesotans, progressives in the Minnesota legislature are working to support those who have been hit the hardest. 

Here’s how:

Investing in our schools

Every Minnesotan deserves a great education. That’s why the progressive budget supports education at all levels, from pre-k to higher learning. 

Supporting our schools matters, because many students are struggling to catch up after a year of adapting to distance learning. To make matters worse, some school districts are being forced to consider massive cuts. We must provide our students with the resources they need to thrive, wherever they live. 

Asking large, wealthy corporations to pay their fair share

This pandemic has impacted us all, but it hasn’t impacted us all equally. Minnesota’s biggest, wealthiest corporations have raked in millions of dollars in profit. They’re doing better than ever. 

Meanwhile, small business owners, working families, and communities of color have been hit especially hard.

Progressives in the legislature see this, because they come from diverse communities all across the state. Their budget asks large, wealthy corporations to pay their fair share, so that we can invest in housing, economic relief, affordable health care, racial equity, and more. 

It just makes sense, because we all do better when we all do better. But still, conservatives are trying to cut the programs that Minnesotans rely on while protecting the super wealthy. 

Speak up

We can’t let conservatives continue to shortchange our communities. Minnesotans have each other’s backs through thick and thin, and we need our elected leaders to have our backs, too. Learn more about how the progressive COVID recovery plan compares to the conservatives’, and demand that our leaders pass a state budget that puts students, working families, and small businesses first. Together, we’ll hold conservatives accountable and create a better, stronger Minnesota. 

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