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New Ad Asks Gov. Pawlenty to Turn the Page on Bushonomics.

If you were listening to Tim Pawlenty on WCCO this morning, you heard Dustin Loosebrock asking the Governor to turn the page on the failed policies of "Bushonomics" and start creating good-paying jobs.

This morning’s ad was the third in a series of 30-second radio ads ABM and a coalition of labor groups is running during the Governor’s morning show to raise awareness about the way the Governor’s policies affect middle-class families.

"A lot of my friends are losing their jobs," recounts Dustin, "but Governor Pawlenty wants to keep the failed Bush policies right here in Minnesota … I guess he’s more concerned about pleasing the leaders of his party than fixing the problems of our state."

Listen to it below and visit for a full "Fact Check."

Today’s ad comes as the state legislature is discussing strategies to address Minneosta’s historic budget deficit. Gov. Pawlenty. The House and Senate have both passed tax bills which restoring fairness to the tax system, but Gov. Pawlenty refuses to talk about a fair tax proposal. Instead of making sure the wealthy pay their fair share, Pawlenty would rather make "deeper cuts" to important basic services, like health care, education, and food stamps for low-income families and use "accounting shifts" (read: budget gimmicks) to fix the deficit.

Pawlenty’s insistence on continuing to follow the failed Bush economic playbook isn’t a surprise. After all, Tim Pawlenty is the guy who said he’d "stand with President Bush if his approval rating was 2 percent." Tim Pawlenty may agree with John McCain that Americans are "better off" under Bush economics, but for the first time in nearly five years there are more Americans who believe the country is on the "right track" than who do not.

It’s time for Gov. Pawlenty to turn the page on the Bush recession–a recession that each day is leaving thousands of Minnesotans without jobs, homes, and health care. It’s one thing for Gov. Pawlenty to stand in the way of investments in priorities that will actually grow Minnesota’s economy, like fixing our health care system and investing in our communities.

It’s entirely another for him to insist that the way to fix our problems is the exact same failed economic policies that created them.

We tried it the Bush-McCain-Pawlenty way and look what happened. If Gov. Pawlenty isn’t interested in a comprehensive budget balancing proposal, will he at least stop trying to make things worse by pulling the rug out from under families who are struggling to make ends meet.


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