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ABM/Grove Insight Poll: Certificate Issue Could Hurt Pawlenty.

ABM/Grove Insight Poll: Election Certificate Issue Could Hurt Pawlenty

If Gov. Tim Pawlenty has his eye on 2012 or 2010, the ABM/Grove Insight Poll released today found that Pawlenty’s refusal to sign an election certificate in the Senate could hurt him in his own state.

Although Pawlenty remains popular in the state (50% favorable, 29% unfavorable), his negative job approval ratings approach a majority (48%) and are six points higher than his positive job numbers (42%). In sharp contrast, President Obama is both better liked (64% favorable, 19% unfavorable), and receives positive approval ratings from a large majority of the electorate right now (58% positive, 32% negative).

A clear majority of voters (58%) believe that Pawlenty’s failure to certify Franken after the Minnesota Supreme Court rules raises at least “somewhat serious doubts” about Tim Pawlenty. This number grows to 64% when voters are told that the governor is legally required to sign an election certificate. In fact, even four in 10 (40%) self-identified Republicans say they would have “serious doubts” with their Republican Governor should he fail to sign an election certificate after the Minnesota Supreme Court rules.

Minnesota voters want Gov. Tim Pawlenty to sign the election certificate

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