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ABM, Americans United for Change, MN AFL-CIO Calls on Governor Pawlenty to Do His Legal Duty and Certify the U.S. Senate Election Results Should Al Franken Be Declared the Winner by the Minnesota Supreme Court.

Will Pawlenty act in the best interests of the people of Minnesota that urgently need full representation in the U.S. Senate — or his own national political ambitions?

On the heels of our recent poll which found that nearly six in 10 (59%) of Minnesotans believe that Norm Coleman should concede to Al Franken, Alliance for a Better Minnesota joined Americans United for Change and the MN-AFL-CIO yesterday to unveil a new television ad urging Governor Tim Pawlenty to do his legal duty and certify the U.S. Senate election results should Al Franken be declared the winner by the Minnesota Supreme Court.

"The results from the poll are clear, an overwhelming majority of Minnesotans want Tim Pawlenty to fulfill his legal obligations and sign the election certificate for Al Franken, should the MN Supreme uphold every other decision, and stop trying to score points with national Republican leaders," said ABM’s Deputy Director Joe Davis.

The ad spotlights the national Republican Party’s dogged efforts to stand in the way of Minnesota’s urgently needed and rightful representation in the U.S. Senate and asks Governor Pawlenty if he will act in the best interests of the people of Minnesota – or his own national political ambitions.

Donald McFarland, Americans United Minnesota State Director, said that Minnesota cannot afford to be without full representation in Congress for a day long, particularly during these extraordinarily difficult economic times that are each day leaving more Minnesotans without jobs, homes and health care.

The ad will air on cable television in the Twin Cities and Rochester media markets starting today through next week.

The ABM/Grove Insights poll also found that 64 percent of Minnesotans would have “serious doubts” about Tim Pawlenty if he were to refuse to sign a certificate of election — as he is legally required — if the Minnesota Supreme Court declares Al Franken the winner in the U.S. Senate. 

Watch the ad below:

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