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Farmers and Ranchers Join Together to Support EFCA and the Middle Class.


While big corproations have launched an all-out effort to mislead, misinform, and defeat the Employee Free Choice Act, a new coalition of farmers and rural Americans is asking folks to remember the middle class.

This new coalition represents more than 125,000 indiivduals in 30 states and incldues the League of Rural Voters, the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund, the National Family Farm Coalition, and other organizations with a stake in the future of rural America.

"Without better wages and working conditions that are offered through union membership, it’s impossible for American workers in rural and urban areas to afford decent food, housing, or to create wealth in their communities," said Ralph Paige, Executive Federation of Southern Cooperatives / Land Assistance Fund in a press release announcing the coalition.

Want to learn more? Check out — it includes a petition to Congress and an opportunity to send a direct message to your members of Congress in support of the Employee Free Choice Act.

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