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Bachmann’s Son Doesn’t Believe Her Nonsense.

Star Tribune columnist Jon Tevlin confirmed what the Dump Bachmann blog suspected a month ago: that the Harrison Bachmann who joined Teach for America is in fact Rep. Michele Bachmann’s son. In April, Bachmann went on the Sue Jeffers radio show to demonize the expansion of AmeriCorps (Teach for America is one of its programs):

"[It’s] under the guise of quote, volunteerism, but it’s not volunteers at all. It’s paying people to do work on behalf of government. There are provisions for what I would call re-education camps for young people, where young people get trained in the philosophy the government puts forward and then they have to go work in these politically correct forums.

"As a parent, I would have a very, very difficult time seeing my children do this."

Well, the last application deadline was in February and successful candidates were notified within two months. So when Rep. Bachmann went on the air with her negative comments, she certainly would have known that Harrison had applied for Teach for America, if not that he had been accepted. It seems Bachmann has no choice but to see her child do this, as he obviously does not share her concerns.

This is just another example of Michele Bachmann’s nonsense. For more on that, watch the ABM ad below:

Ironically, this will mark the first year that Teach for America will be in Minnesota. According to WCCO, Minnesota has one of the highest achievement gaps in the country, which is why TFA will be expanding into the Twin Cities. Teach for America operates in 34 communities across the country. Although TFA would not disclose where Harrison Bachmann would be teaching, how delicious would it be if he were teaching right here in Minnesota? To learn more about Teach for America head over to their website.

Not only has Bachmann’s son joined the government’s brainwashing program, but TPMDC wonders whether she has an even greater disaster on her hands: the possibility that one of her children will now completely fill out the family’s Census form.

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