September 27, 2010
Launches Sixth Television Ad
Spot Highlights Emmer’s Education Record, Compares
it to Dayton’s Plan
Saint Paul –
Alliance for a Better Minnesota Action Fund (ABMAF) launched its sixth
television ad in the gubernatorial race today, featuring an Eagan parent
expressing concern about Emmer’s record and plans for education in Minnesota.
She then talks about Dayton’s education plan — a stark contrast to Emmer’s plan
of slashing funding for classrooms.
Emmer know that good schools are the key to creating jobs and rebuilding our
economy,” asks Heidi Schachtman in the ad. “Mark Dayton does. He’s fighting to reduce class size, fund
all-day Kindergarten and pay teachers what they’re worth.”
The ad will run
statewide on broadcast and cable for 12 days starting today. The cost of the
total buy is about $500,000. This is the sixth ad ABMAF has run this election
Watch the ad below:
A fact check on the ad is included below and can be downloaded here.
More information about Tom Emmer’s record
can be found at: www.EmmerTruth.MN and