WhatsThePlanTom.com — While Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom
Emmer today reiterated his support for cutting corporate taxes, a report
released today finds that Minnesota businesses would likely see a net
tax increase under his proposed $1.15 billion cut to property tax aids
and credits.
Budget Cuts Likely to Cause More Business Property Tax Hikes:
Businesses in more than 300 cities would experience business tax
increases in excess of 10 percent; most, though not all, of these cities
are small. Among the larger cities that would experience business
property tax increases in excess of ten percent are Austin, Brainerd,
Duluth, Fairmont, Hibbing, New Ulm, Saint Peter, Winona, and WorthingtonBusinesses in a handful of cities, including International Falls,
would experience business property tax increases in excess of 30
percent.The cities with the largest business property tax increases under
this interpretation of the Emmer proposal are predominantly cities that
are highly dependent on LGA.