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Just Another Day Where Out of Touch MNGOPers Defend Corporate Tax Breaks.

It’s incredible the lengths to which the MNGOP will go to protect their special interest friends. To see just how committed they are to protecting big corporations ahead of middle class Minnesotans, check out what Sen. Julianne Ortman said at the MNGOP weekly press conference yesterday:

Yeah, that’s right. Julianne Ortman just admitted that Gov. Dayton’s budget closes loopholes that allow big corporations to hide profits overseas and avoid paying taxes. And that she’s against that plan.

To recap:

“When it comes to the corporate taxes, that’s a very big concern for us too. …Now [Gov. Dayton’s] just going to raise taxes on our biggest corporations.” -Julianne Ortman

Apparently Sen. Ortman and the MNGOP still don’t think we should close corporate tax loopholes so we can invest in getting Minnesota back on the right track: making sure our kids get the high-quality education they need to compete in a global economy and growing the economy from the middle class out.

Minnesotans clearly sent a message in November that they believe in Gov. Dayton’s fair, honest and responsible plan to permanently solve our state’s budget deficit and move Minnesota forward.

And the MNGOP clearly didn’t get it.

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