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Senate Passes Bill to Tighten Gun Restrictions for Convicted Abusers and Stalkers.

guncontrol3The Minnesota Senate approved a bill 60-4 to prevent anyone convicted of child or domestic abuse from possessing a firearm. The House has already approved the bill, and it now awaits Gov. Dayton’s signature.

The bill allows anyone subjected to an order of protection to be required to forfeit their firearm if ordered by a judge.

Gov. Dayton, a gun owner, supports the bill:

“It’s very commendable that there is broad bipartisan support and that organizations in the past that might have opposed something like that are supportive.”

At the capitol Monday, domestic abuse survivor Diane Sellgren celebrated the bill. “This will save the lives of women and children,” she said.

Members of the Senate learned that a woman’s chance of death in a domestic abuse situation is increased 500 percent if there’s a gun involved.

After Gov. Dayton signs the bill into law, Minnesota will be at the front of a national push for stricter gun regulations for abusive convicts.

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