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Governor Dayton’s Fulfilled Campaign Promises.

campaign daytonThere’s a certain risk that comes with electing public officials that’s impossible to avoid: what happens if politicians don’t do what they said they were going to do while campaigning? After all, it’s easy to say whatever sounds best when you’re running for office. That’s the point of a campaign: to persuade people that your ideas are the best ones possible.

It’s not until after elected officials have taken office that we can evaluate how well they keep their promises.

And with the case of Governor Mark Dayton, it’s wonderfully clear that when he says he’s going to do something, he will actually do it.

To check whether the governor stuck to his word, MinnPost recently looked at the goals Gov. Dayton had for Minnesota prior to being elected in 2010, and analyzed how well he has brought those goals to fruition.

The results? Well, in short…

[T]he governor did exactly what he said he’d do.

That sounds too good to be true, but there’s proof to back it up. Here are the highlights of Gov. Dayton’s fulfilled promises to Minnesota during the past four years:

While there is much to be celebrated concerning Gov. Dayton and the DFL’s accomplishments, there’s also more work to be done to continue Minnesota on the path toward greatness. It’s reassuring to know that we have a governor who has proven that he can follow through on his promises.

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