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Minnesota has the most equitable tax system in the country.

Exciting news for working families: A recent national study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy determined that Minnesota has the most equitable tax system in the country. 

Last year, Minnesota’s progressive leaders passed a series of historic measures to support working families and reduce childhood poverty. 

Thanks to the work of progressives in the Minnesota Legislature and Governor Tim Walz, those efforts are paying off in real-time. The study reported that Minnesota’s tax system has the lowest rates for low—and middle-income earners of all 50 states. 

Minnesotans are seeing the many benefits enacted by progressives in the legislature, including a nation-leading Child Tax Credit that is helping nearly 400,000 children across the state and reducing Minnesota’s child poverty rate by one-third. 

Progressives aren’t done with their work yet. In addition to passing laws that support families, pension holders, seniors, and the working class, this session, progressive legislators are working on bills to hold large corporations accountable for not paying their fair share. 

Putting working Minnesotans first

It’s inspiring to see policies that pay off for working families. We can’t wait to see how Governor Walz and the progressive leadership at the Capitol will continue to work together to invest in our communities and build a better Minnesota.

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