WhatsThePlanTom.com: What jobs?
Tuesday, September 21st, 2010
WhatsThePlanTom.com: Education is first to go.
Thursday, September 16th, 2010
What would you ask Tom Emmer?
Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
What’s The Plan Tom?
Monday, September 13th, 2010
Denise Cardinal: Really shady operators are on the GOP side.
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
At State Fair, Emmer Still Has No Plan to Deal with Minnesota’s Budget Deficit.
Friday, September 3rd, 2010
The Tom Emmer Excuse Generator!
Wednesday, August 25th, 2010
Tom Emmer’s “New Direction” On Health Care: Double Down On Pawlenty’s Failed Policies.
Monday, August 23rd, 2010